Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eoc: Week 1

Week 1:BOC

Volkswagen Lemon add! Why is this important?
This ad is known as the, “Lemon” ad, this ad first premiered in 1960. This ad had impacted advertisements, for all. When you look at this add you may think that this is bad for Volkswagen, or why is this important?
Volkswagen was founded in 1937, at this time German cars were still based on luxury. These cars were; big, spacious and not affordable. During the 1930’s Germans could barely afford a scoters. They wanted to reach a bigger market, so what they did was hoped on the band wagon of smaller cars. German engineering would never believe the future ahead. In the early 1960’s Volkswagen made a new car, we know it now as the “Beetle”, “The Bug”. This was the car to catch that unreachable market. During the 1960’s DDB advertisement agency did a ad for Volkswagen, Lemon. The reason why this ad is so important to advertising is because it had humor. Adverting in the 1960’s were there to pursue the audience, not grab the attention. This ad agency changed that by creating a humors ad. The idea of this ad was to grab the audience’s attention rather than pursue them! With that notion DDB advertisement agency changed the attitude of advertisements. “We plucked the lemons; you get the plums.”

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